Sad Day: Sam Mason leaves Tailor


this makes me sad. Lets hope he opens something new soon.

I would like to take this chance to thank everyone for their support and kind words, but it’s no surprise for me to say that I (sam mason) am no longer a part of Tailor restaurant. I left about 3 months ago, and tried to let them get a game plan together before I announced my departure. I really loved my restaurant and pour my everything into it, but sadly it was not meant to be. It was great to have a venue to show how I was trying to bridge the gap of sweet and savory dishes, and I think with the help of a great staff we succeeded. I am currently working hard on my T.V. series , and by no means plan on it being my only creative outlet. I do plan to start a new venture soon. I hope to see you under another topic then as well.

sam mason

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