Russ Chimes’ Midnight Club EP: Part 3. Plus new videos for The Wombats and Amon Tobin

OK, here it is – the final installment of a three part film directed by Saman Keshavarz (through US production company Mighty8) to accompany and promote Russ Chimes‘ debut release: Midnight Club EP…

Quick recap: In Part 1 (see our original post here), a young couple is kidnapped by a bunch of violent balaclava-clad oiks and bundled into the back of a van – but, after a beating, the young chap is ejected from the kidnappers vehicle battered and bruised. In Part 2 (see last week’s post here), our young hero turns detective and starts to work out what the heck’s going on, and, presumably, how he’s going to get his girl back. Now, it’s time to find out how the story ends…

Russ Chimes – Midnight Club EP (Part 3: Targa) from Russ Chimes on Vimeo.

Midnight Club EP by Russ Chimes is due for release in October on label Eye Industries


Director: Saman Keshavarz
Writers: Saman Keshavarz, Nate Eggert
Executive producer: Lanette Phillips
Producers: Francis Pollara, Saman Keshavarz, Romson Niega
Associate producers: Nate Eggert, Tom Lee
Cinematographer: Justin Gurnari
Editor: Nate Tam
Production designer: Julie Chen
Stunts: Ken Arata
Graphics: Cosimo Galluzzi
Label: Eye Industries (
Production company: Mighty8 (

Next up is the promo for The Wombats’ track, Tokyo (Vampires & Wolves), directed by The General Assembly – (who you may recall shot the wonderfully camp cop buddy video we posted the other week for Grum’s track Through The Night). This film features a woefully uncool manager trying (and failing) to shepherd The Wombats around Tokyo…

The General Assembly are represented by SkinFlicks

OK the next video wasn’t commissioned as such, but rather it was created by Belgian director Charles De Meyer (aka Chuck Eklectric) who created a version of the following film in response to Amon Tobin track, Esther’s, which appeared on Tobin’s Foley Room album, released in 2007 on Ninja Tune. De Meyer sent the film in as a ‘fan video’ to the record label. Amon Tobin saw it and loved it and has now worked on the sound design for a final “official” version of the film which Ninja Tune are offering this week as a free iPhone compatible download from The film features a house-breaking robot intent on… well, you’ll have to watch to find out:

My next choice of new video was also not commissioned by a music label. Rather, SkinFlicks directorial team, Sniper Twins, created a promo for track Beaches & Friends for band French Horn Rebellion – because they’re friends with the band. So the promo is in no way “official” but the directors have been given permission to show it on their reel and on the SkinFlicks site – where you can watch it if you click the link below:

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