Robert A.M. Stern Decides Yales Lectures Should Have Younger Speakers


Yale‘s famous dean of its School of Architecture, Robert A.M. Stern has decided to make some more changes under his leadership there. He’s decided that the school’s weekly lecture series needs to begin including younger architects, not just the established top brass to come in and deliver their “Back when I was Frank Lloyd Wright’s apprentice” speeches. Apparently catching the buzz in the hallways from students tired of hearing from people 40 years their senior, Stern has announced that there will now be a healthy mix. The first has been the 39-year-old co-founder of the firm Habiter Autrement, Mia Hagg, and this fall will include younger notables like Hilary Sample, who won this year’s P.S.1 Young Architects Program honor with her firm MOS. Though with the architecture industry still suffering pretty badly and recent graduates finding it more difficult to land jobs, we’re figuring Stern won’t skew too young or not first screen the speakers (most seem to be Yale faculty anyway), so that things don’t get ugly quick (“Beware! Beware! Abandon all hope!”).

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