RMJM Get the Okay to Start Work on Europes New Tallest Tower


Back in early May, we told you that Peter Morrison and the gang at the very large architecture firm RMJM had plans in place to weather this economic storm we find ourselves in. And against all odds, it appears to be working. While nearly every other major architect or firms are seeing their high-profile projects either disappear or get chopped in half, RMJM has just announced that they’ve gotten the go ahead in Russia to begin work on the tower at Okhta Center in St. Petersburg. The hold-up had been over building height laws in the city, which have now been revised to fit Okhta in. When finished, it will be Europe’s tallest tower and is expected to cost more than $2 billion to get there. Though, with all things mixing “big” and “architecture” anymore, we’re certain that everyone involved, although sounding optimistic for the press, is likely always aware that these shadowy economic gremlins could swoop in at any second and rob the project of its life just as it has with so many others like it.

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