RISD’s “Artrepreneur Starter Kit” for 2010 graduates

pimg alt=”RISD_artrepreneurkit.jpg” src=”http://www.core77.com/blog/images/RISD_artrepreneurkit.jpg” width=”468″ height=”624″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pa href=”http://www.risd.edu/”RISD/a is now supplementing its diploma with an “Artrepreneur Starter Kit,” helping the graduating class of 2010 get a head start on creative entrepreneurship. Kudos to RISD president John Maeda for arranging this kit. He believes that “a new kind of design-led leadership is needed to innovate out of this global economic crisis. Artists and designers can bring their intuitive, creative thinking to a broad array of fields, and become the drivers of economic possibility in our slowed economy.” /p

pThe kit, pictured above, will include a href=”https://squareup.com/”Square/a, an application and peripheral for receiving credit card payments on mobile devices, a pack of a href=”http://us.moo.com/en/products/business_cards.php”MOO/a business cards, and a free license a href=”http://everfi.com”everfi.com/a, a financial literacy platform. /p

pIt’s hard to say whether this particular toolkit will make a difference or not, but RISD’s supportive attitude towards creative entrepreneurship certainly will, and we hope more schools will follow suit./pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/education/risds_artrepreneur_starter_kit_for_2010_graduates__16641.asp”(more…)/a
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