Revolving Door: General Motors Design Guru, Robert Lutz, Resigns


Back in early 2007, we had the chance to sit down with automotive design legend and General Motors‘ vice chairman Robert Lutz, who went on and on, in his very jovial but firmly-grounded way, about how design was the only way to save the company (and you tend to listen very closely to a man who helped deliver to the world one of the greatest cars ever: the BWM 2002). But while his hopes that the company had a new future ahead of it, the financial ruin of the company he was now helping to lead seems just outside the crystal ball for everyone in the industry. Now, apparently fed up with the whole business, he has announced that he will be leaving the company at the end of the year. Surely this is another sign that G.M. has a very, very tough road ahead. Here’s a bit with the specifics:

Mr. Lutz will give up his duties as head of global product development on April 1, but will remain a vice chairman and senior adviser until the end of the year.

G.M. said its board has elected Thomas Stephens, currently an executive vice president for engines and quality, to be Mr. Lutz’s successor.

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