Reminder: Thursday Designers Accord Town Hall Meeting at Bresslergroup in Philadelphia


A quick reminder that if you are in Philadelphi this Thursday don’t miss the Philadelphia Designers Accord Town Hall Meeting on Sustainability, graciously hosted by Bresslergroup:

SCHEDULE: 6:00-6:30 Socializing, networking. Light refreshments will be served. 6:30-6:45: Update on the Designers Accord Movement. 6:45-8:00: Unconference format, where up to 10 people have 5 minute slot to present ideas, cases, provocations. Suggested topics include sustainable business practices, product life cycle analysis, and knowledge sharing platforms. Presenters sign up at the event. 8:00-9:00: Identify key themes based on locally relevant issues, and the content of the presentations, and conduct short breakout groups to discuss the major themes identified.

Admission is free, but space is limited, so RSVP to esoffer {at}

April 23rd 2009
6 to 9pm
2400 Market St Suite 1-2

See you there!


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