Recession Chic: Spice Up Old Fall Outfits With New Socks!

imageThink you’ve done all you can to spice up your wardrobe? We all go through it. You wake up one day and everything in your closet just seems so…blah. But don’t throw away those old shoes just yet! Give your shoes a new life with fun socks! A little goes a long way, so adding a small new item to your wardrobe creates a completely new look. Before we know it, it’ll be cold outside and that’s when you need to break out some fun new socks! My favorite look by far has got to be some cute heels paired with knee high socks – there’s more than just argyle now! Target has got a great selection of knee high and thigh high socks for totally affordable prices (most under 15 bucks). With so many different styles to choose from, you’ll definitely be spicing up your look without draining your bank account.
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