Rebooted Polaroid Names Lady Gaga as Creative Director

Our pals over at our cousin blog, Agency Spy, were one of the first to break the story late Wednesday that songstress Lady Gaga was to appear at the ongoing Consumer Electronic Show with the announcement that she is to become Polaroid’s new Creative Director. You’ll recall that we reported on Polaroid-as-we-knew-it breathing its last breaths back in April and finally expiring as it was unloaded to a pair of financial groups for a likely after life filled with tacky licensing deals and a general watering down of a once proud brand. We’re not exactly sure what to think about this high-profile reboot, or what exactly Gaga will be creative directing (at the press conference, she looked a little like this was the first she’d heard of any of this), but maybe it means there’s still some life in Polaroid after all. Footage from the entire press conference here, a bit more info from Agency Spy, the official press release, and here’s a short clip of the free-for-all at the Vegas event once Gaga finally appeared:

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