Ready Those Sleeping Bags, Type Camp Returns This Summer

Assuming you aren’t a child reading UnBeige right now (which is quite possible, given roughly 60% our readership are people under the age of 15 — we’re guessing it’s because we talk so much about Jean Nouvel, who is a pre-teen heartthrob), you’re possibly spending these hotter months in an air conditioned office, longing for those simpler times, when warm weather meant summer camp. But before your despair grows any larger, we remind you that Type Camp happens around this time each year and 2009 proves to be no exception. Although we’ve not had the chance to attend one yet, we love the idea and are desperate to one day go. Each year, Type Camp takes on small groups of designers, who gather together in some idyllic place and talk type and design and work together in becoming better at what they do (we imagine there are also s’mores involved at some point). Registration has opened up for the 14 slots in August, which will take place in Canada and it looks like a doozy. Here are the details:

At Type Camp Galiano, differing and convergent approaches to typography will be presented in a relaxed but structured program over five days. The instructors this year are: Dr Shelley Gruendler, international typography instructor and founder of Type Camp; Stephen Coles, Type Director at FontShop; the well-known typographic expert aka “TypeGirl,” Tiffany Wardle; and a visit from international type superstar, Marian Bantjes. All four will share their professional processes and typographic knowledge to help you become a better typographer and designer.

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