Question of the week 11.08.09

With thousands of new graduates on the scene, demand for placements is at its height. So this week, we’d like to know how you organise them at your studio or agency, what you think of the placement system and what your experiences of placements have been

Do you pay placements? Or do you offer to reimburse expenses? What tasks do you give them to do? What do you get out of the expereince and what do you hope they get out of it?

If someone wants a placement at your studio or agency, what are the do’s and don’t’s? How should they apply and how should they behave when they get there?

What do you think of the whole placement system? Do we need some more formal way of regulating what can be just a way of getting cheap labour? Does the placement system exclude those who cannot afford to work for free, closing off opportunities in the advertising and design businesses for those from disadvantaged backgounds? Should, for example, D&AD or another industry body introduce guidelines? Should all placements be paid at least the minumum wage?

And graduates, and recent placements – what was your experience? Did you find it worthwhile? Were you given interesting work to do or were you stuck in a corner with the kettle and the Spraymount? What do you think should be done to make placements more worthwhile? What advice would you give anyone looking for a placement now?

So many questions, please let us have your answers…

Question of the Week is produced in association with Major Players

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