Public Art Fund Appoints New Director

nicholas-baume.jpgWe love the Public Art Fund. You love the Public Art Fund. And so news of the extraordinary Rochelle Steiner‘s resignation from the directorship of the non-profit arts organization sent us into a funk: humming a dirge (TLC‘s “Waterfalls“) and deliriously searching Manhattan for rare, possibly imaginary penguins. But things are looking up. The Fund’s board of directors has chosen a worthy successor in Nicholas Baume (at right), who has served as chief curator of Boston’s Institute of Contemporary Art since 2003 (and counts among his publications a fantastic book on Sol Lewitt‘s Incomplete Open Cubes). “New York has always fired the artistic imagination,” said Baume. “Public Art Fund has played a key role in making the City itself a platform for contemporary artists. I’m thrilled to have the chance to build on that legacy, connecting new art and diverse audiences to harness the creative energy of our moment.” Baume will assume the roles of director and chief curator of the Public Art Fund on September 21.

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