PS3 Playface

Playface campaign for PS3, agency: Wieden + Kennedy Tokyo, director: Timothy Saccenti, production company: Partizan Darkroom, London

In this campaign for the new PlayStation3, director Timothy Saccenti has captured Japanese gamers’ ‘playfaces’ as they try out the new console…



Clips can be seen on the YouTube film above, but it’s worth checking out the to see them in a more stylish setting. Alongside these films, a digital caravan will be touring Japan from September, capturing even more playfaces.




Filming the faces of those engaged in a variety of activities is nothing new, of course. There was Frank Budgen’s Coco de Mer campaign for Saatchi & Saatchi in 2001

which, adland noticed, were very similar to this Trojan campaign from 2004

And Fallon did this for the BBC

We even have a vague recollection of seeing the idea used for computer games players before – anyone have a link?


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