Prometheus Springs Spiced Drinks


Using capsaicin (the endorphin-stimulating ingredient found in chiles), the spicy new beverages by Prometheus Springs give drinkers a happy, healthy high.
The world’s first capsaicin-spiced elixir, the addition of the antioxidant-loaded active ingredient (naturally-derived from chiles) also boosts metabolism. Founder Rahul Panchal was raised in a household that was fortunate enough to understand the ayurvedic principle that food is medicine. “The health benefits of spice are something that I’ve always felt should have a greater awareness in this country and what better vehicle to do that than an organic spicy drink.”

From that original tea, Prometheus Springs has evolved into three flavors, Lychee Wasabi, Pomegranate Black Pepper and Lemon Ginger. Check out the cocktail section on their website where drinkers contribute recipe ideas in an open forum. “It’s not for the timid or the weak,” adds Panchal.


Find Prometheus Springs on Facebook or locate a store on their site. If, the store’s running out, call 1877-60-SPICY (extension four) and Prometheus Springs will immediately ship more bottles—apparently it’s selling so fast that the stores forget they ever carried it.

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