Project H’s Design Revolution Road Show hits the road!
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Product design nonprofit Project H Design is gearing up to take to the open road! Their mobile Design Revolution Road Show tour, which we’ve been excited about for a while now, is hitting the road on February 1st, starting with 2 high schools and 3 colleges in the San Francisco Bay Area. The 25-school, 75-day, 6300-mile tour will include an exhibition of 40 humanitarian products from founder Emily Pilloton’s book Design Revolution, all packed into a gutted and renovated vintage Airstream trailer. At each school, Emily and her partner Matthew Miller will host a lecture and workshop, along with guided tours of the exhibition.

Check out the whole itinerary nationwide here to see when the Airstream is rolling through your town. Or buy tickets to their VIP Sneak Preview on January 30th at San Francisco’s Stable Cafe and be the first to see the exhibition, with free local food and a chance to win some sweet raffle items like a Netbook and road show t-shirts.
A few more shots after the jump.
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