Prince Charles Quits Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, Top Writers Take Sides


If you’re like us at all (and lord help you if you are), you’re a little worn out from all of this Prince Charles vs. Modernism debacle going on across the pond in the UK. But as there are relatively few big, brawling controversies in this blanket industry we call “design,” we must push forward. First, the news that the modernism-hating Prince Charles has resigned from his top position as a patron of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. His reason? The preservationist group had asked Charles write an introduction for a handbook they were putting together wherein he wrote that all restorations should put the buildings back to “their original style.” This didn’t sit well with the Society, as despite their name, they’re up for adding a few modern touches here and there. As we all know, the Prince isn’t so keen on anything even remotely modern, and when they asked him to change his introduction to the book, he up and quit. So that should tell you a little something about how closely the guy sticks to his anti-modern guns. But before this turns into a completely negative Charles post, we also want to point you to this interesting point-counterpoint over at Architectural Record, which pits former Art Review editor and current Christie’s Publications editor in chief Meredith Etherington-Smith, who is “Pro Prince,” against the Sunday Times architecture critic, Hugh Pearman, who is Pro Richard Rogers, in a debate over the recent Chelsea Barracks debacle which started this whole new big fight to begin with. Both have some great thoughts and even though we often like to poke fun at the Prince here at UnBeige HQ, it’s nice to share something beyond “It’s just because the dude hates modern stuff!”

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