Prince Charles Foundation for the Built Environment Now Under Investigation


After what seemed like five solid months of non-stop coverage, we told you we’d lay off the Prince Charles-hates-modernist-architecture stuff, and that we have. Our last report, on his Foundation for the Built Environment and how it might be investigated for overstepping its role as a charity and instead influencing developers to go more classic for their building project, came in mid-August, so we feel like we’ve given you some breathing room. But alas, we must return, as the “perhaps” has become fact, with the Prince’s organization now under investigation by the UK’s Charity Commission for its possible meddling. They have asked that the group explain how it operates, its involvement with developers, and anything else that might seem a bit sneaky. The Prince and the Foundation’s spokespeople are claiming it’s a baseless attack, of course, while the government group stays squarely in the middle, understandably not uttering anything that will create any interference once their investigation is complete:

The Charity Commission said: “We have contacted the charity, raising a number of issues relating to the complaint and concerns which have also been highlighted in the press, and have received a response from the charity. We will consider this response in assessing our regulatory role in the matter.”

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