Presidio Museum Registers New Complaint: No Parking


So we finally got through all the fighting and back and forth planning over Donald Fisher‘s Presidio Contemporary Art Museum and landed in a spot that seemed to at least quiet down the the general uproar for nearly a whole month. But a ha! While you were all collectively basking in the warmth of not having to read another story about this troublesome museum, there were forces at work trying to find something new to raise issue with. And so we have arrived and here is the latest complaint: there is no room for parking and public transportation doesn’t get nearly close enough. Of course, this makes sense, as you probably want people to come visit the thing if you’ve gone to this much trouble over the past few years to just get it built. But it also seems like this could be another clever plot to get Fisher away from the Presidio all together, as casually hinted at in the closure of this op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle:

New developments are being nudged to areas where transit is readily available: South of Market Street and south of the Bay Bridge, near the Transbay Terminal, at or near Mission Bay with its new UCSF campus, sites adjacent to Caltrans, Muni Metro and freeways.

Indeed, it is in transit-served locations such as those that a Fisher museum could provide a rich cultural addition to San Francisco, more accessible to all. That, indeed, would be a generous and exciting proposal.

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