Ponoko, SparkFun and GeekDad’s vague design competition

pimg alt=”0pongdcomp.jpg” src=”http://www.core77.com/blog/images/0pongdcomp.jpg” width=”468″ height=”143″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pManufacturer-for-the-masses A HREF=”http://www.ponoko.com/” Ponoko’s/A got sheet goods (felt, leather, acrylic, bamboo, plywood, etc.) and electronics company A HREF=”http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/categories.php” SparkFun’s/A got gizmos (buttons, switches, Arduino boards, diodes, LEDs, etc.). If you can come up with an idea for a product design that uses both services, then you’re eligible to enter their design competition, held in conjunction with GeekDad. /p

pSounds cool, doesn’t it? Unfortunately that’s all we can say about it–the GeekDad post neglects to mention what their exact involvement in the competition is (does it need to be a GeekDad-themed project?) or even what the prizes are! Still, the link is A HREF=”http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2010/07/competition-design-a-geeky-product-using-ponoko-and-get-it-made-for-free/” here/A, in case they wise up and revise the post with a more clear explanation.br /
/pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/object_culture/ponoko_sparkfun_and_geekdads_vague_design_competition_16894.asp”(more…)/a
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