“Politics Please, We’re Social Designers,” by Cameron Tonkinwise

pimg alt=”amplify.jpg” src=”http://www.core77.com/blog/images/amplify.jpg” width=”468″ height=”315″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pOn August 5th, the a href=”http://desis.parsons.edu/”Parsons DESIS Lab/a (of which I am a member) opened an exhibition at the a href=”http://www.henrystreet.org/site/PageServer?pagename=AAC_EXH_amplify”Abrons Arts Center/a in the Lower East Side of New York City. The exhibition, running until September 15th, is part of the DESIS Lab’s ema href=”http://amplifyingcreativecommunities.net/”Amplifying Creative Communities/a/em research project, funded by the emRockefeller Foundation’s 2009 NYC Cultural Innovation Fund/em. (DESIS = a href=”http://www.desis-network.org/”Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability/a, an international network of researchers.)/p

div class=”article_quote”What happens if design-based social innovation is not just a way of avoiding conventional, explicit politics, but a way of undermining politics altogether?/div

pThe exhibition is not a curation of findings at the end of the project, but a research tool in the middle of a project. It is one of a number of initiatives that are part of the Amplifying Creative Communities project to find examples of people who have taken it upon themselves to innovate new ways of resourcing their everyday lives, normally involving some sort of a href=”http://shareable.net/”sharing/a. The assumption is that people around the world are giving up waiting for government or business to develop more sustainable (both ecologically and socially) ways of living and working, and so are starting to do it for themselves. Having found these sorts of innovations, the project is then exploring how design can enhance their effectiveness, and how design can help others take up similar innovations./pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/featured_items/politics_please_were_social_designers_by_cameron_tonkinwise__17284.asp”(more…)/a
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