Pink Floyd Illustrator Gerald Scarfe Among Those Designing Skys World Cup TV Boxes


A bit of fun promotional work from the UK branch of the Sky satellite television company. To a) join in on the soon-to-be World Cup madness and b) sell more product, they’ve released three new set top boxes, each designed by some iconic British creative person. Quadrophenia actor Phil Daniels has one, as does fashion designer Wayne Hemingway (which looks beautiful). But we were most excited by the one crafted by none other than illustrator/artist Gerald Scarfe, whose work you’ll likely be most familiar with would be his cover design for Pink Floyd‘s The Wall, as well as having created the animated sections for the band’s subsequent film of the same name. It’s all a big sales effort, sure, but we like the way they handle their sales efforts a lot more over in the UK. Here’s from Scarfe:

“The sense of excitement, anticipation – and dare I say it hope – that is growing in England as we approach the World Cup is tremendous. “Those emotions fueled my design – it captures what could be a wonderful moment of English glory and unity.”

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