Pictorial Highlights from IDSA Project Infusion

We’re back from a few days in Miami Beach attending the IDSA 2009 Project Infusion conference. Here’s a handful of pictures that touch on the breadth of the experience. More pics in the Flickr pool.

Although there was no giant robot at the Core77 party (see 2007) it was still a great time, with a lot of intense conversation, some of the “No, I love you, man!” variety.

Oh, of course. South Beach. A guy in a Formula 1 (or similar – car experts? anyone?) street-legal Indy Experience car pulls over on Ocean Ave. so his passenger can chat on his cell phone. Conspicuous consumption taken to a new level.

It’s fascinating to see how Twitter is changing conference interactions. We tweeted our dismay that there was no job board (since we arrived with fresh printouts to post), someone repeated that concern from the podium, and eventually one appeared. D’oh! for not having one from the outset but woo-hoo for being so responsive. By the end of the conference, the job board was far more packed than this photo shows. Packed with people looking to hire.


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