Picnic’10 begins in Amsterdam
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pemA design proposal from a speaker at this year’s Picnic festival. Synthetic E.chromi bacteria changes colour when it detects disease in your poo. /em/p
pThea href=”http://www.picnicnetwork.org/home” Picnic Festival/a is now on at the WesterGasfabriek bringing together creative and business leaders to work together on finding innovative answers to some of the worlds biggest questions./p
pRunning till 24th September, this year’s Picnic theme ‘Redesign The World’ focuses on four distinct areas: Life, City, Design and Media with speakers from a range of backgrounds including Matt Stinchcomb of Etsy.com, Charles Leadbeater and Adam Greenfield./p
pOne particularly interesting event of the program will be a href=”http://www.picnicnetwork.org/program/sessions/designers-artists-4-genomics-award-the-reconnaissance-session-masterclass.html”The Reconnaissance Session Masterclass as part of the Designers Artists 4 Genomics Award/a. This Pecha Kucha style event, run by the WAAG Society, is offering a 25,000Euro award to stimulate emerging designers and artists within the bio-arts in the Netherlands to develop and realise new projects. br /
/pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/events/picnic10_begins_in_amsterdam_17469.asp”(more…)/a
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