Philip Johnsons First House Goes Up for Sale in Westchester County


Another Philip Johnson house has been put up for sale and this one will hopefully be less stressful than the Alice Ball House debacle from two years ago. The Booth House in New York’s Westchester County, Johnson’s very first residential building, pre-dating the Glass House by three years, has been on the market since mid-March, listed for a cool $2 million. It’s being sold by the retired architect Sirkka Damora, who had lived there with her now deceased famous photographer husband Robert Damora (who was also an architect, hence why he knew how to shoot buildings so well). It’s a stellar house, built in 1946 and looking very Johnson-esque modern, and it’s surprising that it hasn’t sold yet in the nearly three months its been available. But with this recent article about it in the Wall Street Journal, we’d imagine that its real estate agent will start getting more calls here about it very soon. So take this opportunity to sneak in for possibly your one chance to tour the place before it’s snapped up.

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