Peter Booth on Observing the Consumer
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pa href=””Eastman Innovation Lab/a brings us a video from Peter Booth, the managing partner and director of a href=””Tin Horse/a. Peter engages in “practice-based innovation” and looks to what people actually do with the stuff they have for insights into design. He says that “the remit of the designer has to be beyond just designing things, it has to be involved in looking at the practices that the people who are using them are involved in.” /p
pimg alt=”booth-crisps.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”264″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p
pAs an example, he points out that a bag of chips (or as he says, crisps) was never meant to be designed for sharing, but that people tear it down the middle to serve that function anyway. /p
pClick a href=””here/a to watch./pa href=””(more…)/a
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