Pentagrams Abbott Miller Joins Forces with Martin Parr to Encourage Dancing


Something more fun for a second here. While Paula Scher and company worked to put together the new face of New York’s Museum of Modern Art, elsewhere at Pentagram, partner Abbott Miller was assembling a book for photographer Martin Parr called Everybody Dance Now which is about pretty much exactly what you think a title like that would mean. It’s a collection of 35 years of Parr’s photographs of people dancing and Miller’s work, along with Kristen Spilman, is about as bright, colorful, and shiny as they come, fitting perfectly with Parr’s intimate shots to people getting loose. It’s just the thing for scary times just as these. Here’s a bit:

The cover of Everybody Dance Now appears in metallic rainbow, reminiscent of a flamboyant party decoration — a fitting design for a photographer famed for his depictions of British working-class life. Page edges are coated in silver, and like the cover, are so reflective the reader can catch glimpses of himself in the surface. Inside, the layout continues the silver and rainbow theme as it references the postcards Parr is so well known for collecting.

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