Paris versus New York: A Tally of Two Cities

A Parisian graphic designer draws funny and insightful parallels between two beloved cities

After spending a fair amount of time in the culture capital of NYC, Parisian graphic designer Vahram Muratyan returned home and created “Paris versus New York“—an online series of charming illustrations comparing the respective nuances of the two bustling—and beloved—metropolises. Whether pitting Amélie against Carrie Bradshaw or pointing out the differences in urban ventilation systems, Muratyan’s sharp wit and straightforward style lead to correlations that are enjoyed as much for their design as their clever, simple narratives.


Now a forthcoming book, “Paris versus New York: A Tally of Two Cities” features 105 of his illustrations, 60 of which have never been published before. Muratyan takes on everything from lifestyle habits, such the Parisian’s love for cigarette breaks versus the New Yorker’s affinity for keeping on the go, to breakfast (a croissant versus a banana).


Moving beyond the standard side-by-side comparison, two of the more interesting images Muratyan created are maps that at first glance appear to be like a standard survey of each city, but on closer look reveal the maps superimposed with their counterpart’s neighborhood labels. While Montmartre has been relocated to Williamsburg, the Empire State building is placed where the Eiffel Tower usually stands.


“Paris versus New York: A Tally of Two Cities” is available from Amazon for pre-order, and will sell at book shops beginning 31 January 2012. See more images in the slideshow.

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