Oscar Niemeyer Recovering from Second Surgery in as Many Weeks


Oscar Niemeyer, perhaps the oldest living starchitect at 101 years old, has been laid up in the hospital these past couple of days. He had surgery last week to treat a gall bladder stone and fortunately, everything seemed to have gone well and he was recuperating nicely according to reports. Unfortunately, while he was under observation, some additional tests revealed that Niemeyer had a tumor in his colon, forcing them to set up another date for him with a scalpel. Thus far, after his second surgery, he seems to be doing well. And if there’s one thing we can say about Niemeyer, he’s a fighter, so we’re crossing our fingers that he’ll be fine. Hey, Brasilia, maybe if you canceled your skyline changing plans, it would make the poor guy get to feeling better a little quicker, huh?

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