Original Range Rover Designer Dies, Victoria Beckham Named Companys Creative Design Director


First the real news and then something of the slightly lesser-than variety. The first is that Charles Spencer King, the designer/engineer responsible for creating the Range Rover has passed away.. King led a team in the late 1960s to develop the car, following stints at Rolls-Royce and as an high-powered gas turbine engine designer. According to the NY Times‘ obituary, King was saddened to watch as his car made a shift from the outdoor explorer to the suburbanite with too much money. “To use them for the school run, or even in cities or towns at all, is completely stupid.” This quote, unfortunately, segues nicely into the news that, on the eve of its 40th birthday, Range Rover has just pulled a Lady Gaga-for-Polaroid move by announcing that they’ve named former Spice Girl, Victoria Beckham, as their new Creative Design Director. The company has said that it wants to use her skills as both a fashion designer and a rich person who is familiar with luxury goods to make sure the interiors of special edition cars would be even more appealing to the sorts of people Charles Spencer King wouldn’t want driving them in the first place.

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