Orgafile: Eco-friendly, expandable filing system

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pPRISONER TRANSFER, MUG SHOT REQUEST, POLICE VEHICLE REQ.; These are some of the file labels taped to the free file cabinet I recently acquired outside of the City Clerk offices in Manhattan, where they were throwing out at least a dozen metal 1950s era cabinets, all just sitting on the sidewalk. I could only carry one, and later that day a garbage truck came and picked up the rest. All of them, sadly, are going into landfill./p

pI could understand file cabinets being thrown away if a company goes out of business, but presumably New York City has not purged its inmate population, solved every single crime and shut the City Clerk offices down; more likely they are getting some new filing system–I doubt they made the switch to digital–and getting rid of the old./p

pOne filing system designed not to be thrown away is the A HREF=”” Orgafile Modular Filing System/A, a “21st century” system of expandable/changeable filing cabinets that can “grow as you go.” /p

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pDesigned by Adrian van Wijk and Jamie McDonald of Vancouver design firm A HREF=”” JDI Design/A, Orgafile products include a neat, Lego-like ClickStack system that is designed to be assembled with no tools at all, not even a little Ikea wrench you can lose and curse at. /p

pBest of all, Orgafile products are designed to use minimal metal and are made from recycled wood. Unsurprisingly, the system has A HREF=”” taken home a Red Dot Design Award/A./p

pBelow is a video that is essentially a five-minute commercial, but it does give you a good look at the system:/p

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