Ordway Prize Winners Announced

ordway_2010.jpgToday Creative Link for the Arts and the New Museum announced the winners of the Ordway Prize. Named for naturalist, philanthropist, and arts patron Katherine Ordway, the award bestows $100,000 in cash upon both a curator/art writer and an artist “whose work has had significant impact on the field of contemporary art, but who has yet to receive broad public recognition.” This year’s winners are Hamza Walker, the director of education and associate curator at Chicago’s Renaissance Society, and Polish artist Artur Żmijewski. Among the finalists for this, the third Ordway Prize were Sabine Breitwieser, Hou Hanru, Tania Bruguera, and William Pope.L. They were selected from a global slate of nominees by a jury led by Jennifer McSweeney, director of Creative Link for the Arts, and Richard Flood, chief curator at the New Museum.

“I wish I had a grand vision for the award,” said Walker in a statement issued today. “But as it stands, the bricks and mortar of my life are in severe need of tuckpointing.” For Żmijewski, whose work was recently exhibited at New York’s Museum of Modern Art, the “quite unexpected” win is particularly thrilling. “My art is important to me, and now it has been recognized by others in a significant way and that pleases me immensely,” he said. “The considerable amount of money that comes with this award will surely help to realize my future projects.”

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