One Way or Another Art Sale

Skateboard decks made to spec by your artist of choice, with proceeds going towards underprivileged kids

Contributor has once again teamed up with Society6 and Club Mumble to curate their second art show in support of Contributor‘s charity. Building on the success of last year’s group show, “One Way Or Another” plays on the personal nature of a skateboard. Things like
how you grip your board, how loose your trucks are and how you know
that the size of your wheels down to the slightest of millimeters will
make the hugest difference. In the end, the little wooden toy becomes one of the most personal things you can own.

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Combining an open call at Society6 and a group of specially invited guests
(curated by Andy Jenkins, Bob Kronbauer, Sandro Grison, Justin Cooper,
Mike Giles and Annie Lam), the collaboration has selected over 40 artists/collectives from
around the world to create original artwork on full-size blank maple

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What makes this project unique is that rather than people buying an already
finished piece of artwork, their purchase will commission an artist/studio
to make a board especially for them. So, when the board arrives, the design it features is a complete surprise, hand-crafted by your chosen artist. Boards can be purchased for $150 each in the Contributor online store with all the proceeds going
directly back to getting skateboards to kids across Canada.

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