One Light Art Lamps


Remastering old tea sets, trumpets, helmets and more into one-of-a-kind lamps, Howard Dernberger sources treasured vintage items from the home and around town to recycle them into lamps for his line called One Light Art Lamps.

Dernberger, who has been making lamps since his childhood, takes care to preserve the original object in the process of making them. It’s this impeccable attention to detail that breathes new life into the antique objects, making each one truly unique and joining function with the art of collecting.

With an ever-changing inventory, it’s best to contact Dernberger directly (see below) for an updated list of his latest creations. Or, if you find yourself in Northern California, stop by Verdigris in the small town of Occidental (where we first discovered his lamps) or Christensen-Heller Gallery in Oakland. (See location and details on
his site
.) Dernberger is also happy to customize any heirloom or coveted antique you would like made into a lamp.


Contact Dernberger by email (artlampsby1light [at] comcast [dot] net) or visit the One Light Art Lamps website for more information about his work and to browse his collection of one-off lamps.

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