Official release: Unclutter Your Life in One Week

Today is the day Unclutter Your Life in One Week officially goes on sale. It has been a roller-coaster ride, and I am so glad to finally be at this stage in the process. Expanding the Unclutterer message to a new medium is honestly a dream come true. My sincerest desire is that this book will help people discover the benefits of an uncluttered life and inspire them to clear the clutter to pursue what they value most.

On Sunday, I caught my first glimpse of the book “in the wild”:

It was a surreal moment, and when I stopped to think about people actually reading it I was freaked out even more. (Funny, right? I’m a blogger. People read my writing every day. I’m clueless as to why my brain thought it was somehow different.) Thankfully, my son threw up all over himself just seconds after this picture was snapped and quickly brought me out of my panic attack there in Barnes and Noble. Oh, baby puke, what amazing powers you have!

If you pick up a copy of the book, you’ll see that the first people thanked in the Acknowledgments section are you, the readers of Without you, none of this would have been possible. If you didn’t read this site, if you didn’t tell your friends about it, if you didn’t e-mail me questions, and if you weren’t such an amazing group of people, my agent and publisher wouldn’t have even known about our site and its message. You are the reason they took notice and saw the potential for a book. Thank you.

If you buy the book or request it at the library or borrow it from a friend, I hope you enjoy reading it and find it helpful and motivating. I tried my best to write the book I needed when I was overwhelmed with clutter, and I hope it speaks to you wherever you are on your uncluttering journey.

Thank you, again, for supporting me,, and the new Unclutter Your Life in One Week. I greatly appreciate it.

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