Office porn: Never mind NSFW, is work safe for you?


The sad truth is most of us spend the best hours of the day sitting in an office, experiencing the Dilbertism where you need to e-mail someone lucky enough to be sitting near a window to figure out if it’s raining outside. Those of us that are unlucky are even diagnosed with Sick Building Syndrome and environmental illnesses from things like toxic carpet adhesives and off-gassing MDF.

The luckiest among us work in beautiful and green offices of the type illustrated in The Good Office: Green Design on the Cutting Edge, architect John Riordan and Kristen Becker’s 228-page collection of cutting-edge office porn:

In The Good Office, the bridge is gapped between the working world and the environment, offering innovative ideas for sustainable office buildings, with examples from around the world. This book shows how by being respectful to the environment, offices can benefit from increased sunlight, better air quality, and eco-friendly building materials, creating a more positive space for both the environment and the worker.

The Good Office is a thorough exploration of the innovative work being done by the world’s most visionary architects, and reveals that good design and green design are one and the same.

Mother Nature Network has an interview up with Becker and Riordan on their motivations behind the book here.


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