Objets by Seung-Yong Song

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

Chairs that double up as ladders, clotheshorses, shelves or lamps are part of a collection of furniture by Korean designer Seung-Yong Song.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

The first eight chairs each integrate a piece of furniture commonly found in a bedroom, but can also be grouped together to form a bed.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

A clothing line positioned atop a rocking chair is Objet E, which can move back and forth to gently help dry hanging garments.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

Objet O is a chair tucked inside a giant paper lampshade that can be folded down to create a private den.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

A ladder is the backrest for the chair named Objet B, but can also be used as shelving like the similar Objet A.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

Seung-Yong Song exhibited the collection during Seoul Design Festival 2011, which took place last month.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

Other interesting furniture by Korean designers include a chair that can be carried like a handbag and felt-covered-cabinets that fasten with belts, buttons and zips.

Here’s a description of each piece from Seung-Yong Song:

8objets: I do not bother myself with looking for the perfect space to my own body.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

I read, work, eat and also sleep in this. This space is cozy and free.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

This is my own space that makes all I want possible.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

Objet-O: I have a childhood memory of making a den somewhere in my house- Under the table, in the wardrobe, and in the attic- I created my own base and felt relieved as if I avoided enemies that were actually non-existent.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

My own secret space at the moment which was comfortable and protected, better than a huge mansion, the coziness of the space like a bird’s nest isn’t what we dream basically?

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

Objet-E: The unique name of things limit the range of product’s shape and function, but above all, the fact that there exists stereotyped function in accordance with each unique name suppresses my imagination.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

I am not willing to deny or destroy the identity based on the stereotype, but I only reinterpret the uses I need in my own design language.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

Objet-B: I climb on a chair. I put books on a ladder.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

If things are freed from their own unique functions, we might agonize over how to use this objects.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

Objet-A: I am looking in every nook and cranny of the room to find hidden spaces.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

Under the table, beneath the bed, above the wardrobe … All the space in the room is completely full of odds and ends.

Dezeen_Objets by Seung-Yong Song

There’s no other choice. And I start building my objet like the city’s tallest building seen from the window in the room.

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