Obama Names Picks for Presidents Committee on the Arts and Humanities


While President Obama was busy rocking it with his new Google Glasses on, we assume one of the things he got up to while looking so nerd-cool was selecting the members of the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities, the list of whomhas just been released. And what an odd list it is. The ones the celebrity watching outlets will pick up on are Yo-Yo Ma, Vogue‘s Anna Wintour, Edward Norton, and Sarah Jessica Parker (no doubt for her efforts pitting artists against one another). For those whose interests lie elsewhere, you’ll be pleased to hear that starchitect Thom Mayne also made it in, as did designer/architect Christine Forester. It’s a strange group of people, for sure, and if you’re a little unclear as to how they’ll all be working together (we’d like to see a Norton vs. Wintour argument the most), here’s a brief synopsis of the committee:

Our committee focuses on arts and humanities education, cultural diplomacy, economic revitalization through the arts and humanities and special events dedicated to recognizing excellence in these areas. Since our members include government agencies and private individuals, we provide a dynamic link between the public and private sectors. All of our efforts are collaborative, and we work primarily with the White House and our cultural partners, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Update: The LA Times‘ Christopher Knight has a few more things to say about the group’s makeup, like why aren’t there any visual artists included?

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