O Tea

Function meets design in a service exclusive to Phillips de Pury

Behind gregorysung’s understated O Tea design lies more than a year of research and development to produce a supremely functional tea service that combines cool-to-the-touch surfaces with a drip-less pot and cups sized with the hand in mind.

Aside from its deeply thoughtful construction, the set is beautiful. Korean porcelain experts and Italian master wood artisans crafted by hand each hand-cast-porcelain vessel and oil-polished walnut base for an elegantly minimal presentation. The complex subtlety of gregorysung’s design is based on what the press release describes as the “traditional Korean approach to objects and activities: appreciation for the natural state of things while gently creating formality within.” The tiniest flourish comes in the cup’s rounded bottom, which requires the proper placement on its stately little base to stand upright. And, while the outside of the matte-finish cups remains unglazed, up close one will discover a shimmering pearl glaze on the inside.


O Tea is available exclusively through the Shop at Phillips de Pury & Company in New York and London. Those who wish to coordinate purchase online can view pieces and click here.

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