NYs Sports Museum of America Shuts Down


Back in mid-December of last year, we briefly reported on the Sports Museum of America‘s financial woes, with the organization instituting layoffs and only opening during peak hours. Unfortunately, their efforts weren’t enough to save the nine month old museum and they have closed their doors for good. This, we believe, is the first major for-profit museum to go under, following the financial collapse of late last year. Here’s a bit:

Founder and Chief Executive Philip Schwalb is reported to be seeking a buyer and may be forced to liquidate if none is found. Efforts to reach Schwalb by telephone were unsuccessful.

The museum’s collection of memorabilia is on loan from individuals and sports organizations across the United States.

The museum is home to the Heisman Trophy, which is awarded annually to an outstanding college football player. It also houses the Billie Jean King International Women’s Sports Center, named after the former tennis champion.

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