NY Design Week 09: ICFF – Bathroom Furniture: Lacava spoils you for choice


The days of the bare sink in the bathroom are long gone, as designers are now running wild with bathroom furniture intended to hide our toiletry clutter and bring aesthetic sophistication into the loo.

Leading the way is Italy-by-way-of-Chicago company Lacava, which combines furniture made in the U.S. with washbasins and faucets from Italy. As they point out:

Europe is a land of small businesses with a long history of fierce competition….each one tries to distinguish itself from the others by developing original designs. This is true in all fields. Bathroom furnishings are one of them. Nowhere else in the world can you find such a variety of artistically designed bathroom furniture and accessories as in Europe.

This explains Lacava’s absolutely staggering amount of products encompassing sinks, cabinets, vanities, and more, in dozens upon hundreds of permutations. Anyone seeking inspiration for matters of the bathroom can spend literally hours browsing their site. Check ’em out here–you’re bound to find something you’ve never seen before.

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