NY Design Week 09: ICFF – Awesome furniture hardware: Mockett to me


Mockett is the type of company an industrial designer would never get bored working for. They make a variety of cool-looking and useful items across seemingly interminable categories (Kitchen, Bath, Closet, Hardware, Cable Management, etc.) and often come up with simple but never-before-seen shapes and form factors. The breadth of their products is staggering–everything from adjustable-height table legs to doorstops to pop-up power outlets, the list goes on and on.

Check out their suh-weet hubless caster, above. I thought the same as you when I first saw it–“Looks cool but must be weaker.” (I was wrong; each caster will support up to 150 lbs.) Comb through their site for literally hundreds of other cool products and designs.

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