NY Design Week 09: Dutch Design: 400 Years Later, at CITE

The offsite events during NY Design Week are often as engaging as the main event at the ICFF–in some cases more so–and offer the advantages of a serene, manageable environment, and no pesky registration requirements.

One of the more promising this year is “400 Years Later,” a mostly-for-sale collection at CITE in SoHo, featuring the work of 23 Dutch designers that ranges from adorable to innovative to downright bizarre. We had a chance to walk through some of the show’s highlights with curator Alissia Melka-Teichroew yesterday. The resulting video is exactly what you hope to get from a Design Week show: a showcase that changes your idea of what objects do and how they’re made.

>>Use our Essential Guide to NY Design Week 2009 to find the best stuff (Mobile version for your phone too!)
>>View all of Core77’s New York Design Week 09 coverage


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