NY Design Week 09: Dutch Design: 400 Years Later, at CITE
Posted in: UncategorizedThe offsite events during NY Design Week are often as engaging as the main event at the ICFF–in some cases more so–and offer the advantages of a serene, manageable environment, and no pesky registration requirements.
One of the more promising this year is “400 Years Later,” a mostly-for-sale collection at CITE in SoHo, featuring the work of 23 Dutch designers that ranges from adorable to innovative to downright bizarre. We had a chance to walk through some of the show’s highlights with curator Alissia Melka-Teichroew yesterday. The resulting video is exactly what you hope to get from a Design Week show: a showcase that changes your idea of what objects do and how they’re made.
>>Use our Essential Guide to NY Design Week 2009 to find the best stuff (Mobile version for your phone too!)
>>View all of Core77’s New York Design Week 09 coverage
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