Not Basel Bound? Live Vicariously Through New Design Miami Blog

DMB_logo.jpgBasel, Switzerland will be the place to be next week, when the middle-aged megafair Art Basel and its ten-year-old cousin, Design Miami/Basel, offer up the fresh work of thousands of artists and designers on the banks of the Rhine. While we were on the ground at last December’s elegantly Maarten Baas-ified incarnation of Design Miami, we’re still waiting to hear if anyone has room on their Boeing Business Jet for an UnBeige stowaway (we travel light!). Whether you’re bound for Basel or not, you’ll want to check in regularly with the newly launched Design Miami/Basel Blog, which promises
a steady stream of quotes, photos, facts, and news from the show floor. And there’s lots to look forward to, with Design Miami co-founder Craig Robins promising “the most robust show we’ve produced in our history—in terms of scope, programming, and innovation.” We hear that architect Mia Hagg has collaborated with MadeThought, the design consultancy behind the fair’s consistently fantastic visual identity, to design the exhibition space, which this year will occupy two floors of Hall 5 in Basel’s Messeplatz. One not to be missed event? Tuesday’s kickoff session of the fair’s Design Talks, featuring the FT‘s Edwin Heathcote in conversation with none other than Zaha Hadid.

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