Norman Foster Quits Duties as Lord, Manages to Retain Title


Norman Foster has decided to give up his meeting rights and the ability to vote on legislation that he’s had since joining the UK’s House of Lords back in 1999. He’s made the decision based on a recent rule that Lords (with all their duties) would “have to become fully UK-resident for tax purposes,” which Foster is not (he became an official resident of Switzerland two years ago, so he wouldn’t have to “pay the full brunt of British taxes“). However, while Foster is stepping down from all his obligations to the House, he’ll continue to retain his Lord Foster title and all that comes with it (primarily that he can keep calling himself “Lord Foster”), adding to previous efforts to have him stripped of it. The starchitect, known for his buildings built across the globe, was one of five Lords to give up their duties in order to escape additional taxes.

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