NL Architects’ Flipper Bridge deals with alternate-side driving switch

pLast month the winners were announced in the A HREF=”” Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities International Design Ideas Competition/A. The idea behind the competition was to design the border-crossing facilities for a new bridge that would directly link Hong Kong to Macao and Zhuhai, China, reducing the current travel time of 4-5 hours to 30 minutes by drawing a straighter line. Here’s the video brief:/p

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pAll of the winners can be A HREF=”” seen at Arch Daily/A, and will probably be of more interest to architects rather than industrial designers. But one entry that caught our eye but did not make the cut–probably because they stepped well outside the parameters of the competition–was the radical knot-inspired Flipper Bridge design proposed by A HREF=”” NL Architects/A./p

pimg alt=”0flipperbridge.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”351″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pThe idea is that the bridge would provide a visually spectacular way to impress upon drivers that they are crossing from a land where one drives on the right (China) to a drive-on-the-left (Hong Kong) system. The submission is a bit thick on architectural hyperbole (“Can we turn the moment of swapping into an unforgettable spectacle? Can we enhance awareness of motorists while at the same time creating an unprecedented driving experience?”) but it’s an interesting idea nonetheless./pa href=””(more…)/a
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