Nike’s brilliant Inarritu spot and World Cup jerseys from “rescued” bottles

pI cannot stop watching Nike’s three-minute “Write the Future” spot. Commercial or no, it is a brilliant piece of filmmaking–surprisingly directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu–that shows the ripple effects on the future prompted by a few choice moments of intense gameplay. Check it out:/p

pobject width=”468″ height=”282″param name=”movie” value=”″/paramparam name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”/paramparam name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”/paramembed src=”″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”468″ height=”282″/embed/object/p

pAs it turns out, Nike’s also concerned with a future that starts not on the soccer pitch, but in the landfills of Asia. We were thrilled to learn that their World Cup soccer jerseys (worn in the commercials by Rooney, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Drogba and others) are not just made from recycled plastic bottles, but bottles harvested from landfills in Japan and Taiwan. In other words these were bottles that had erroneously made their way into the trash can rather than the recycling bin, but Nike plucked them out, melted them down into yarn, and spun them into polyester./p

pWhile Drogba and Ronaldinho have famously not made it into this year’s World Cup, the recycled jerseys will be worn by everyone on the Brazil, Portugal, Netherlands, South Korea, U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Serbia, and Slovenia teams. /p

pimg alt=”0nikewcjersey.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”349″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pAt eight bottles per shirt, when you factor in all of the jerseys bought by rabid fans, that adds up to 13 million bottles Nike has brought back from the environmentally dead./p

pWhat more could we ask for? Well, I kinda wish Nike could also recycle those annoying vuvuzelas…Ibefore/I the /
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