New York Design Week 2010 Preview: Breakable, by American Design Club

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pThis year during New York Design Week, a href=””American Design Club/a presents Breakable, a collection of American designers working with glass. The work has been culled from submissions from all over the US, selected by David Alhadeff, Eva Eisler, Kip Kotzen and Kimberly Oliver, who have also chosen a Best In Show. The winner will be revealed at the opening reception on May 16th at the Heller Gallery in the Meatpacking District./p

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pMost of the objects to be presented in the show is under wraps, but the AmDC sent us a couple of sneak previews: Candleholders by Esque Studio and glass artist John Chapman’s work with lab glass. /p

pbBreakable/bbr /
Presented by the American Design Club and Heller Gallerybr /
Reception: May 16th, 6-8pmbr /
May 7-28, 2010br /
420 W. 14th St., New York, NY 10014/pa href=””(more…)/a
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