New Research

Stephanie Gonot curates a slideshow projection as part of Month of Photography LA


Month of Photography LA was introduced in 2009 to showcase contemporary photography across commercial, fine art and photojournalism with events, group shows and artist talks. Now in its fourth year, MOPLA 2012’s theme takes aim at the exploration of innovation and technology in the field. As the third part of the projection series Pro’jekt LA, photographer and curator Stephanie Gonot has selected a series of music-inspired images she calls “New Research”.

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“Much of the photography that excites me right now has to do with visual problem-solving, which fortunately fits perfectly into this year’s MOPLA theme,” says Gonot on the curation process. “When putting the show together I basically listened to a lot of Laurie Anderson, thought about science, technology and the process of doing research and looked through the portfolios of some of my favorite photographers working today.” The slideshow of single images, diptychs and screen grabs represents a conscious body of work chosen by Gonot to look and feel like her own research as a photographer.

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As an independent curator, Gonot feels her daily blog, “Please Excuse the Mess” is more like an “open-ended sketchbook of things I’ve been looking at, whereas I view projects like New Research as closed ‘pieces’ almost like a short film or an essay. In my photo blogs one image may relate to the next and that one to the next one after that, but there isn’t necessarily anything unifying about all the images when put together. ” While “New Research” includes pieces by 36 photographers and artists, Gonot has selected a body of work that she feels comes together once projected, using the experimental presentation method to create a cohesive experience.


Included in “New Research” is work by Amy Lomard, David Zilber, Graham Walzer among others. The collection will be projected at the Standard West Hollywood from 7-10pm on 17 April, 2012 with Gonot’s close friend Chad Matheny of Emperor X providing a soundtrack to the show. For more information on the artists, the curator and the Pro’jekt LA series head over to Month of Photography LA online.

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