New Designs of I-35W Bridge Memorial Unveiled


Speaking of memorials (we’re starting this day gloomy, aren’t we?), new designs have just been released for the far less contentious tribute to those who lost their lives just over three years ago in Minneapolis’ I-35W bridge collapse. Designed by local landscape architect Tom Oslund, the Remembrance Garden will sit close by the original site, near the water and in viewing distance of the bridge’s starchitect-absent, more practical replacement. Looking somewhat different from the original architectural renderings, the memorial will now run 81 feet (in reference to the August 1st collapse) in a straight line instead of a circle, and will continue to feature 13 beams with water running over them, also references to the tragedy. Although suffering some financial hurdles after it was announced back in 2008, the project recently received a push to help it reach its budget of $1.5 million thanks to a portion of the court settlement connected to the disaster. Minnesota Public Radio reports that this will make it the most expensive memorial ever built in the state. Current plans are to have it open for the fourth anniversary of the collapse, next August.

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