New Designers 2010

New Designers, a showcase of graduate design work across furniture, product, interiors, graphics and illustration, is on until Sunday at the Business Design Centre in Islington, London. Here is a selection of the stand-out visual communication work that’s on show… (apologies as usual for any duff photography).


Shown above is an image by Simon Cook, a graduate from Nottingham Trent University. The image forms part of a series of work by Cook on the theme of the circus.


Also from Nottingham is Toby Edwards, who creates rather charming works out of paper.


The Cambridge School of Art has a great selection of work on show, including this project by Hannah Jean Michalakis.


And these illustrations by Gilbert Brown.


Estelle Morris is also a Cambridge School of Art grad.


As is Jennifer Hardisty, who has created this hand-sewn sandwich book, which allows you to add or remove the fillings to your tastes.


Arran Mackintosh, a graduate from Portsmouth Uni, has created a series of work looking at heraldry and colonialism. His work includes a number of illustrated wooden shields and a delightful illustrated scroll book.


Also on the Portsmouth stand are these illustrated works by Fay Dalton.


Over on the Plymouth College of Art stand are these pieces by Sam Gray, which are based on the theme of vertigo.


Robert Fresson, a grad from University College Falmouth, is behind these illustrations, including a mocked-up New Yorker cover.


Hannah Elliman, another Falmouth graduate, made these works.


Lastly from Falmouth are these graphic pieces by Edward Tuckwell.


Over on the Coventry Uni stand, Toby Hall‘s work caught my eye.


Nick Cocozza is a graduate from Duncan of Jordanstone College, Dundee. He created an amusing poster documenting Thug Life, as well as an illustrated pop-up book, featuring a demented Ronald McDonald.


Chrissy Murnane, a graduate from South Essex College, displayed a series of posters. Two are shown here.


Lastly, Chris Boyce, a graduate from Northbrook College in Sussex, offered this witty commentary on the graduate situation (with perhaps a nod to Paul Davis et al) as part of his series titled Observations of Modern Life. He also had some amusing badges on display too.


New Designers ends on Sunday, July 11. It goes without saying that this is only a fraction of the great work on show this year, so a trip to the exhibition itself is strongly recommended. More info is here.


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